Basic Survival Skills You Need to Learn
We live in a world marked by modern conveniences, which is really great. Modern technologies allow us to find our way, stay warm, find shelter, and even get the food and water our bodies need. While this is totally fine, have you ever thought of uncertainties that nature may present? What if a heavy storm knocks power out? What if your phone battery dies in the middle of nowhere? Definitely, you need a few skills to survive these inevitable life moments. There are plenty of basic survival skills that everyone needs to know and practice. While most of them look less important to learn, they can potentially save your life, depending on the situation. This post will cover some of the basic survival skills you need to learn. Of importance, until you get out into the field and practice any survival skills, all you have is a false sense of security. Survival skills everyone should master To prepare yourself for whatever might befall you, here are basic skills you can learn on your own t...